
11th March 2020

Primary 6 Transform into their Heroes!

Primary 6 Transform into their Heroes!

One of the most anticipated nights of the year at St Aloysius’ College is Heroes night and last night did not disappoint! 

Every year, pupils in Primary 6 transform into an individual from history that they admire. This year, as always, each and every one of our pupils put in a great deal of effort and it didn’t go unnoticed!

Over the last couple of months, pupils have been learning lots of information about their chosen hero and last night they got the opportunity to showcase their knowledge to the parents in attendance.

Our judges, Mrs. Craig, Mr. Gilmartin, Mr. Avery, and Mr. Bartlett were greatly impressed by all of our pupils and had the difficult job of choosing one winner from each class- a huge congratulations to Paul H (Tank Man), Emma K (Marie Curie), Blair H (Martin Luther King) and Bailey M (John F. Kennedy).

A huge amount of hard work and preparation goes in by all the pupils (and parents!) and every year we are in awe of how much the pupils learn about their hero.

To see more images from the night visit our Facebook page