19th August 2021

Oxford Success Runs in the Family

Oxford Success Runs in the Family

We’re thrilled to announce that OA Olivia Dunn (class of ’21) will be following in her older siblings’ footsteps by heading to Oxford University this year.

Studying engineering, Olivia follows her sister Georgia (class of ‘19) and brother Michael (class of ‘17), who both went on to study History and Mathematics at Oxford, respectively.

Head of Physics, Mr. O’Duffin, who taught Olivia and her siblings and who also co-ordinates our Oxbridge applicants each year, had a few congratulatory words for the Dunn family;

“Each of the Dunn children has a distinctly different personality, yet all have an outstanding commitment to their own learning. All three demonstrated impressive motivation yet also managed to make outstanding contributions to extra-curricular activities throughout their many happy years at St Aloysius’. All who taught Michael, Georgia, and Olivia Dunn speak of how much pleasure they gained in working with them and I am sure their parents, are as rightly proud of them as we are.”

The college could not be more proud of Olivia and her achievements - especially given the challenges that arose in the last 18 months. This is a momentous occasion for her and her family and we wish her the best of success as she steps out of the Green Blazer and into the fascinating world of engineering.