20th April 2016

Aloysian Lab Rats Share Passion for Science with Interactive Road Show

Aloysian Lab Rats Share Passion for Science with Interactive Road Show

Make a Difference

The St Aloysius’ College Lab Rats Science Club hit the road recently to share their passion for science and interactive experiments with Primary 2 and 3 pupils from Haghill Park Primary School in Dennistoun.

The Lab Rats Science Club was established this year and has quickly grown to be one of the most popular lunchtime clubs at St Aloysius’ College, giving Aloysians with a passion for science the chance to investigate experiments which can be demonstrated and fully explained in one lunchtime.

Over 25 members have carried out experiments to engineer square bubbles, turn copper coins into silver, fireproof balloons using water’s specific heat capacity and walked across a box of eggs - learning how their unique structures can withstand a surprising amount of weight.

Dr Jobson was so impressed by the enthusiasm of the Lab Rats that she decided to take Aloysians, Mathilde, Andrew, George, Ruaridh and Niamh, out on the road to share their passion for science with the Primary 2 and Primary 3 pupils of Haghill Park Primary.

 “I have been absolutely delighted with the response, we have been at full capacity each week.  There is a natural curiosity for Science in St Aloysius' and based on what I have seen so far, we have many brilliant scientists in the making!” Dr Jobson said.

The Lab Rats shared four of their favourite experiments with the Haghill pupils, captivating them by blowing up an 8-foot bag with just one breath, walking along a path of eggs, blowing bubbles within bubbles and tricking their eyes into seeing colours that were not really there.

Dedicated Lab Rat and St Aloysius’ College pupil, Ruaridh, had a great time sharing his love of science with younger pupils, saying,

 “At times they looked truly astonished at what they were seeing and they were all enthusiastic to learn about the Science behind the experiments.  As a group, we really enjoyed teaching the children new things and watching their reactions.”

The teacher from Haghill Park Primary School, Mr MacRae, was full of praise for the Labrats and their science lessons, saying,

“Dr Jobson and the Lab Rats were a delight to host. The five pupils from St Aloysius’ College were enthusiastic, knowledgeable and supportive of the learning discoveries being made by the Primary classes. We would happily welcome their return at any time!”