
Meet the Safeguarding Team

Meet the Safeguarding Team

All safeguarding work, including the creation and implementation of policies, is overseen by the College Safeguarding Team who are in turn supported by our Safeguarding Committee and our Safeguarding Commission. 

Safeguarding Team

Ryan Ferrie – Assistant Head (Pastoral) 

Gail Hartshorne - Head of Year, and Senior School Safeguarding Officer 

Angela Lamarra – Primary 7 Teacher, Assistant Head of S1, and Junior School Safeguarding Officer

Gilda Catani – PA to Isabelle Erskine and Safeguarding Administrator 


Safeguarding Commission

The Safeguarding Commission is an external advisory body, made up of individuals with extensive experience in safeguarding from a range of backgrounds including Policing, Social Services, Law, and third-sector organisations. Commission members are appointed by the College’s Nominations Committee.

The role of the Commission is to provide the Safeguarding Team with advice from their various fields of expertise. The Commission meets termly with the College Safeguarding Team and Head Teacher.

Members of the Safeguarding Commission:

  • Tom Carty [Chair]
  • Tina Campbell [Safeguarding Governor]
  • Fiona Stevenson