
Annual Requiem Mass Sunday 8th November

Annual Requiem Mass Sunday 8th November

Faith and Values

The Annual College Requiem Mass, which pays respect to all the Aloysians who have died since the foundation of the College in 1859, and especially those who have died in war, will take place in St Aloysius Church on Sunday 8th November at 12 noon.

College families past and present are warmly invited to attend and current pupils, particularly those in S6, are asked to attend in uniform.

Following the Mass, visitors are invited to view the War Memorial within the College before enjoying some refreshments and home-baking at the College’s annual charities tea.

Charities Tea

Following Mass, all are invited to the Charities Tea in the refectory to enjoy teas and coffees and a selection of beautiful cakes and pastries served by our S6 volunteers (£5 for adults and £3 for children).

Items of baking are always in high demand, so any budding Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood would be more than welcome to contribute to the stall.

Donations of baking should be brought to the Arrupe Centre or Senior School Reception on Friday 6th November.

If you require further information please contact:

Requiem Mass: Mr O’Duffin (Assistant Head Master)

Charities Tea: Mrs J McWilliams (Outreach and Charities Co-ordinator)