
Arrupe Programme 2021/22

Arrupe Programme 2021/22

This year sixty-five pupils from S5 and S6 have opted to participate in service activities on Wednesday afternoons. Pupils would normally volunteer at local nurseries, schools for young people with additional support needs, care homes, day centres, and asylum seeker projects; however, due to COVID, this is not possible.

Pupils have participated in training so that when the opportunity arises they will be ready to volunteer. To date they have learned about safeguarding, working with young people with autism and additional support needs (even learning some Makaton) and, the impact of dementia on the elderly. They have also participated in some practical charity work.

At the moment Arrupe pupils are collecting donations for local food banks and helping to organise fundraising for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Our foodbank ambassadors visit classes three times a week to collect food, toiletries and cleaning materials. Each year group has been given a list of items to collect for foodbanks in Possil, Milton and Springburn. Any donations are greatly appreciated, and may be brought to the Chaplaincy.