
Drug Prevention and Cyber Bullying Programme

Drug Prevention and Cyber Bullying Programme

Personal Excellence

Drug Prevention and Cyber Bullying Programme

At Glasgow City Chambers, Humzah Razzaq (S3) addressed a packed audience whose attendees included Glasgow City Council's Director of Education Maureen McKenna, Councillor Dr Soryia Siddique and senior Police representatives, including organisers Asma Ali of SPMA and Inspector Alex Hutton, along with pupils, parents and Head Teachers from numerous Glasgow schools.

During our February mid-term, Humzah - along with Amna Chaudhry (S5), Saad Chaudhry (S3), and Saim Chaudhry (S1) - had taken part in a two-day workshop on Drug prevention and Cyber Bullying launched by Scottish Police Muslim Association.

Humzah delivered an impressive recitation from memory of a passage from the Holy Quran, before sharing his own confident and interesting account of the group's experiences on this innovative programme. This was very well received and the College can be very proud of offering the services of such a gifted public speaker to such an important community event for the public good. There was also great amusement in the hall when Saim (S1) rose three times to be photographed, as he collected certificates on behalf of his siblings who could not attend because of exams at present.