FAQ’s: Entrance Assessment
We understand that the concept of an Entrance Assessment may be a daunting thought for families looking to apply to an independent school however; we have put together some commonly asked questions to try to put your mind at ease in anticipation of assessment.
What is an Entrance Assessment and why do you do them?
Entrance assessments are used by independent schools across the country as part of their admissions process for prospective pupils. The entrance assessment may be different from school to school but ultimately have the same aim of ensuring that the school is the best fit for the child.
The entrance assessment is designed to gain a better understanding of each child’s strengths and capabilities. The results allow our staff to determine how they will make the transition to the College and how we can fully support them throughout their Green Blazer journey.
We understand that the assessment may be a slightly nerve-wracking experience for families, so as a school we do all that we can to put prospective pupils at ease by making sure our assessments take place in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
It is important for the child to know that the papers are not designed for them to pass or fail, rather, they allow us to understand whether or not St Aloysius’ College is a good fit for them.
What is involved in the St Aloysius' College assessment?
For Primary 2 to Primary 6, assessments will take place in our fun and colourful Junior School building, led by our Early Years and Junior School staff. There will be three short age-appropriate papers covering Literacy, Numeracy and Spelling.
Assessments for Primary 2 and Primary 3 will finish at 11am and Primary 4 to Primary 6 will finish at 12 noon. When collecting your child, please return to the Junior School reception where tea and coffee will be available from 10.30am.
For Primary 7 to Senior 2, assessments will take place in friendly classrooms and consist of two reasoning papers, both of which are completed within a set amount of time with a short break in between.
These assessments will finish at 12.30pm. When collecting your child, please return to the Clavius Building where tea and coffee will be available from 12 noon.
What do I do on the day?
On Assessment Day, registration will open at 9am and all children should be registered by 9.20am in order to begin the Entrance Assessment at 9.30am. If your child is sitting an assessment for the Junior School then please register in the Junior School building on Hill Street (directly across from the Senior School). If your child is sitting and assessment for the Senior School, please register in the Clavius Building on Scott Street (the modern Science and Technology building).
Children should come in their current school uniform.
What does my child need to bring?
All your child will need is two HB pencils, a pencil sharpener and a rubber.
Will there be parking facilities?
Parking will be available on the playground behind the Junior School (accessed via Scott Street). You are welcome to park your car here for the duration of the assessment.
If you or your child is feeling a little daunted at the prospect of assessment, or if you have any other questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch at admissions@staloysius.org
We can’t wait for you to ‘Start Something Great’ and join us this Saturday (25th January) at 9am.