13th December 2017

Advent Reflection

Advent Reflection

A light shines in the darkness and the darkness could not overpower it.

John 1:5

During the season of Advent Christians await the coming of Christ at Christmas… and at the end of time. In today’s society there can be a real tendency to lose track of this and get caught up with a wave of frenetic activity that includes buying lots of presents, preparing lots of food and being very, very busy. Advent invites us to pause, to take time out to focus on the essential. It is interesting to reflect that God became one of us not with great fanfare, but in the form of a tiny baby, born in humble circumstances. God’s audacious plan of salvation happens silently, almost hidden. But through this audacious act the world would never be the same again.

Perhaps this year we might want to do something different to prepare for Christmas, something like slowing down. Each year we have the opportunity to change our hearts and let Christ in. So why not take some time each day for prayer, for time with family, for that conversation with a friend. Perhaps spend some time volunteering or find out what is needed by your favourite charity. And so, silently the Christ child finds a home in each of our hearts and so the world is changed and we too become bearers of the light that overcomes the darkness.

Mrs McWilliams