28th March 2024

Are ye dancin'? - First PTA Event Proves Huge Success!

Are ye dancin'? - First PTA Event Proves Huge Success!

The first event held by out PTA, the St. Patrick’s Dinner and Ceilidh, was a huge success.

A great night was had by all – with lots of dancing, good food, and good friends. We were also very delighted to welcome our newest parents into the Aloysian community with such a fun event.

Lots of hard work went into the dance behind the scenes, with teams of teachers, staff, and pupil and parent volunteers working round the clock in the hours leading up to the big night. Our Clavius building was transformed for the occasion into a dining hall, dancefloor, and bar!

It is hoped that the PTA are going to host many more events in the future, as it is great for us to come together as a community and celebrate being an Aloysian – as well as making new contacts and friends we otherwise might not have met.

The evening began with a welcome and grace from Head Teacher Mr. Doyle, before food was served. After a short while, you could hear the wonderful ceilidh band performing sound checks before it was time to grab a partner and dance the night away with some traditional Scottish dancing (it seems that everyone was relying on recalling their time “social dancing” in the gym hall at school from when they were younger!).

With some fantastic prizes up for grabs, including weekend stays and golfing lunches, our raffle proved popular and raised lots of funds for the PTA and their future endeavours. Thank you to everyone for their efforts to make the ceilidh a fantastic evening, and to everyone who supported the event. We can’t wait ‘til the next one!