Welcome back everyone!
Today, we start the first week of online learning for 2021. We understand that this is not the start to the year that we had all hoped for, but we are sure it won’t be too long until normality is restored and we are back together on the Hill.
We are sad that we cannot physically welcome you back to the College today, but we wish you a warm virtual welcome, and want to let you know that 'At Home with Hill Street' is back. Please send us your learning at home photos to communications@staloysius.org, or simply tag us in your photos on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter- don't forget to use the hashtag #AtHomewithHillStreet so that we can see, and reshare them.
If you are unfamiliar with our social media channels then you can find them below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stalsglasgow/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StAlsGlasgow