28th April 2016

Awards Dinner Celebrates Personal Excellence in Aloysian Sport

Awards Dinner Celebrates Personal Excellence in Aloysian Sport

Personal Excellence

The annual St Aloysius’ College Sports Dinner was held recently to reward the dedication and talent of Aloysian sporting heroes and celebrate another outstanding year for sport at the College.

Trophies were presented to pupils to reward individual achievement, exceptional team-work and improvements to individual skill in rugby, hockey, football, cross-country, basketball and climbing.

Charlotte Ross and Martin Hughes of S6 was awarded with the trophies for Best Team Players in hockey and rugby whilst Joesphine O’Brian of S4 and Thomas Mullen of S5 were selected as the Most Improved Players.

Christopher Clark of S6 was chosen as the Best Team Player for football whilst Alberto Vezza of S5 was announced as Most Improved.

Kier Morton of S6 was presented with the prize for Cross-Country whilst Nathan Gallagher of S4 was awarded the Climbing prize and Nicholas Kelly of S6 won the Basketball prize.

The dedication shown by sporting captains and vice captains throughout the year was also celebrated at the dinner and, in congratulating all of the winners, the College’s Director of Sport, Mr Tearney, said,

“The hard work and commitment that the pupils have shown to their team mates, teachers and coaches has been exceptional. The relationships they have formed and the discipline sport has given them, both socially and physically, will stay with them for life.”

The College is currently running a fundraising appeal, asking the Aloysian Community to be our sporting heroes and contribute to our brand new on-campus sports facility.

Follow this link to find out more about the Sports Facility and how you can help: Be our Sporting Hero

Pictured below: The Captains and Vice-Captains of sport at St Aloysius' College 2016.