
25th August 2017

College Captains Announced

College Captains Announced

Personal Excellence

College Captains Announced

Congratulations to the new College Captains and Vice Captains for the academic year 2017/18. Thank you to everyone who was brave enough to put their name forward for consideration. It was a challenging and rigorous selection process, and we were thoroughly impressed by the quality of applicants. We look forward to seeing what the captains will achieve this year and thank them in advance.

The new College Captains are as follows: 

Head Girl - Anna-Louise Saunders

Head Boy - Louis Campbell

College Captain - Erin Campbell

College Captain - Clare Nolan

College Captain - Natasha Di Ciacca

College Captain - Paula Phinn

College Captain - Eilidh McGuire

College Captain - Nicholas Sutherland

College Captain - Fergus Andrew

College Captain - Nathan Gallagher

College Captain - Lucas McMenemy
Hockey - Lara Monaghan

Hockey (vice) - Sarah Kelly

Rugby - Josh Kelly

Rugby (vice) - Max Duffy

Football - Nicholas McAllister

Athletics - Hannah Berry

Athletics (vice) - Patricia Gillen

Music - Cait Murphy

Music (vice) - Erin McComish

Pupil Voice - Anna Blessing

Pupil Voice (vice) - Calum Mcleod

Pupil Voice (vice) - Aidan Vickers

Pupil Voice (vice) - Angelo Ianniello

Pupil Voice (vice) - Amy-Rose Cameron

Drama - Claragh Kean

Christian Formation - Rachel Lees

Christian Formation (vice) - Megan Drotar

Christian Formation (vice) - Leo Fagan

Christian Formation (vice) - Eve Kelly