9th February 2016

College Launches E-Safety Centre for Parents and Pupils

College Launches E-Safety Centre for Parents and Pupils

Care and Respect

St Aloysius’ College is celebrating Safer Internet Day 2016 today by launching a brand new e-Safety Centre where families can find tips and advice to help young people stay safe and stay kind online.

The College’s e-Safety Centre will educate and support Aloysians and their families to ensure that pupils safely benefit from the excellent academic and social opportunities available online.

The new e-safety centre will consolidate much of the good work that has already been going on at the College through e-safety pupil committees and school assemblies.

It will highlight emerging trends and teach users how to approach, and control, privacy and safety settings on social media, offering tutorials in how to block and report other users for misconduct

Follow this link to visit our new e-Safety Centre:


St Aloysius’ College was recently recognised as ‘sector-leading’ in Pastoral Care and Safeguarding following an inspection by Education Scotland.