8th August 2017

Exceptional Results in 2017 for St Aloysius’ College

Exceptional Results in 2017 for St Aloysius’ College

Exceptional Results in 2017 for St Aloysius’ College

We are delighted to announce the following results for our National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher examinations.


·         61% A grades

·         96% A-C

·         33 students gained 5 or more A grades (26% of the year group)


·         70% A grades

·         97.4% A-C

·         74 students gained 5 or more A grades

·         18 students gained 9 or more A grades


·         51.4% A grades

·         93.1% A-C

·         12 students gained 3 or more A grades

These results demonstrate a remarkable performance for the College, and pupils should be congratulated for their efforts. In particular, it should be noted that these results mark the best ever National 5 scores since the examinations were introduced.  

Headmaster Matthew Bartlett said: “We are delighted to celebrate with all our students some record-breaking results at all levels. This is the result of an exceptional partnership between students, teachers and parents”.

Depute (Academic Leadership), Calum Kilgour added: “We are so proud of all our pupils today. They have worked exceptionally hard towards their exams and their efforts have been richly rewarded. Congratulations to all!”.