1st September 2015

Fun in the Sun for Families on Sports Day

Fun in the Sun for Families on Sports Day

Junior School pupils came together with their families to enjoy a day sporting fun and a festival-like atmosphere on one of the sunniest days of the year, making this year's Junior School Sports Day was one of the best ever.

Pupils from KG1 all the way to P7 were cheered on by mums and dads, uncles and aunties, and grans and granddads as they competed in traditional track and field and novelty events. Thanks to the glorious weather, impeccable organisation from staff, enthusiastic support from families and the superb attitude shown by each and every pupil, Junior School Sports Day 2015 was hailed as one of the best ever.

Reflecting on the event, one parent described it as a 'great day with such well-behaved children' whilst another said the boys and girls had had 'an epic day in the sun together', and Mr Browne said it was a ‘wonderful day blessed by great weather’.