7th June 2018

Gonzaga take home the S5 Sports day trophy!

Gonzaga take home the S5 Sports day trophy!

Delight in Learning

Gonzaga take home the S5 Sports day trophy!

Yesterday, our S5 pupils were welcomed back to the College after their study leave to a fun filled sports day in our new sports hall.

The day consisted of traditional sports day games - with a twist. The pupils were allowed to wear their own clothes, dress head to toe in their house colours and even sport funky hair dos!

The pupils played lots of games, ranging from the sack race to the egg and spoon race to tug of war, and as you can see from the pictures, great fun was had by all.

The winning house was Gonzaga and Anna Hoolaghan, the house captain, was presented with the trophy.

View more photos- https://bit.ly/2Jg3Xjv