21st April 2017

Great Things Happen at the Junior School Music Festival

Great Things Happen at the Junior School Music Festival

Personal Excellence

Great Things Happen at the Junior School Music Festival

Congratulations to all of the Junior School pupils who took part in the Music Festival Final last night in the hall. Each and every pupil offered a spellbinding performance, and the mums and dads and other supporters in the audience were very impressed by musical performances from some of the youngest pupils in the school. A special mention goes to this year’s youngest performer, Jude Nugent (P1), who showed great maturity.

The finalists were selected from a large number of fantastic performers who competed in the heats late last term. Each pupil should be greatly encouraged by the achievement of reaching the final concert.

In the end, there were four winners of this year’s competition. In the infant age group, Matthew Clarkson (P3) won the Instrumentalist category for his rendition of D.B. Kabalewsky’s ‘Clowns’ on the Piano, while Ava Farrell came first in the Infant Vocalist category for her captivating performance of ‘Somewhere Out There’ by J. Horner. In the junior age group, David Churchman (P6) won the Instrumentalist category for his fine performance of ‘Petite Fleur’ by S. Bechet, while Christopher Morris (P6) won the Junior Vocalist category for his tuneful rendition of ‘Silent Worship’ by Handel.

Congratulations to each and every finalist. Great things happen in music!