
Religious Life
4th September 2017

Head Boy Speaks at Glasgow University Commemoration Service

Head Boy Speaks at Glasgow University Commemoration Service

Faith and Values

Head Boy Speaks at Glasgow University Commemoration Service

On Wednesday 23 August Head Boy, Louis Campbell, and two College Captains, Nicolas Sutherland and Fergus Andrew, attended the Glasgow University Commemoration Service for students and alumni who fell during the Great War.

Louis was invited by the Glasgow University Interfaith Chaplaincy to read a biography of the 2nd Lieutenant Vincent Aloysius Lyons’, a former pupil of the College. The pupils also planted a cross in a university garden to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

The Secretary of the Chaplaincy then took the pupils to Turnbull Hall where they met the Glasgow University Catholic Chaplain, Fr Ross Campbell. Finally the pupils visited the University Library and the Fraser building.

The College would like the thank Glasgow University Interfaith Chaplaincy for inviting our pupils to attend and participate in the ceremony.