4th January 2023

Head Teacher's Christmas Message

Head Teacher's Christmas Message

We have come to the end of a very busy and successful term and Christmas will soon be upon us. We should be very proud of what we have achieved together as a community; staff, pupils, parents/carers and governors.

St Aloysius’ College's mission is to bring all pupils to the fullness of life through Catholic Jesuit education. This means that we work incredibly hard to ensure all pupils are supported to achieve their academic potential whilst being provided with opportunities to demonstrate their faith and Jesuit values in action by serving others. That is why it has been wonderful to see pupils make such a brilliant start to the academic year and play an active role in all aspects of College life this term. Pupils have taken part in liturgies and retreats, Arrupe service, fund raising and charity events, school trips, sporting fixtures, school concerts, and community and social activities, all of which were not always possible over the last few years.

It has also been wonderful to be able to welcome so many parents, carers, and visitors to the College, especially in recent weeks as we enter into the spirit of Christmas. A particular highlight for me has been the Christmas concerts; watching our pupils stand on stage and perform with such confidence was a real privilege. Well done to all involved! These productions really started the festivities and reminded us of the true meaning of Christmas. The recent Christmas fayre was another special event that allowed us to bring so many families and friends in our community together. I was delighted to see such overwhelming support for this. To everyone that made this happen, thank you.

I would finally like to thank you as parents and carers for all you have done to support your child in school this term. I thank you personally for your continued support to me and I wish you and your loved ones God’s blessing this Christmas.

I wish you good health and happiness for the new year.

Kindest regards and prayers,

- Isabelle Erskine, Head Teacher 

Isaiah 9:1-9

through all the ages
you have called your people from darkness into light,
making their gladness greater
and their joy increase.
As we celebrate a child born for us,
a son given to us,
make the light of Christ bright in our own hearts
that we may once more bring peace and reconciliation
to our families,
our communities,
and to our world.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.