15th January 2016

Judges and Parents 'Astounded' by Standard at Junior Science Fair

Judges and Parents 'Astounded' by Standard at Junior Science Fair

Delight in Learning

The annual St Aloysius’ College Junior School Science Fair once again highlighted the wealth of scientific knowledge and genuine interest held by our Primary 7 pupils and proved to be a fitting tribute to the late Dr Morag McDonald who had always supported the event as a teacher and a judge.

This year’s Primary 7 Science Fair was opened with the announcement that the prize for best project from each class would now be named the Dr McDonald Science Fair Prize.

The task of choosing who should be awarded the first place prizes for each class this year fell to Mrs Naizam and Mr O’Duffin from the Senior School Physics Department, and special guest Professor Francis Quail, a lead engineer for Aramco Europe.

The projects dreamt up this year by the young Aloysians were as varied as they were impressive and included a psychoanalysis of colour preference, as well as studies into hovercrafts, space travel and plant biology.

Reflecting on the range of projects produced by the Primary 7 scientists, Junior School Science Teacher, Mr McClintock, said,

“Once again we had a huge range of innovative ideas from our young scientists and engineers and our judges found it extremely difficult to decide on their victors.”

After some deliberation, the judges decided on some worthy winners for the three Dr McDonald Science Fair class prizes and these went to Josh Taylor of Prep A for his investigation into invisible glass, James Boyd of Prep B for his meticulous testing of ski lubricants and Sean McNeill of Prep I for his insights into the pressure of footballs.

Following the event Mr McClintock went on to add how delighted he was with the standard of projects on show at this year’s Science Fair, saying,

“All the pupils presented their projects to a very high standard and the judges were astounded with the attention to detail and scientific enquiry demonstrated throughout the evening.”