6th December 2021

Junior School Head Boy and Head Girl - What Makes St. Aloysius' So Special?

Junior School Head Boy and Head Girl - What Makes St. Aloysius' So Special?

We recently sat down with our Junior School Head Boy and Head Girl, who offered some introductory words, as well as talking about what they loved most about their school. 

Olive M., Head Girl - 

"Hello everyone, my name is Olive and I am the Head Girl in St. Aloysius’ Junior School.

I joined the College in Kindergarten and so I have had lots of different experiences. Some highlights for me have been School Trips, Hockey, and all the subjects we learn throughout the week. I started learning to play guitar in Primary 3 and have competed in the Junior School Music Festival, which is a great way for all our Junior School Pupils to showcase their musical talents. If you come to our school you will have lots of opportunities to try new things. You will have lessons in Science, Music, Art, P.E., Languages and Drama, and this year as Primary 7s we will be performing in the School Show at the end of the school year. For me, my best memory of my time here so far was when I found out I was going to be Head Girl and being a buddy to our Primary 2 Pupils."

Samuel F., Head Boy - 

"Hello, my name is Samuel and I am the Head Boy of the Junior School. I joined the school in Primary 1 and although I had been here for a long time, I had never experienced rugby until we started going to Games in Primary 4. This is a stand out memory for me as I was unsure what to expect on the first day but the coaches helped me develop skills through different activities and games. I now play on Saturday as part of the Primary 7 team and really enjoy it. Even though not everyone has tried hockey or rugby before joining the school, it is great fun and you get lots of support to join in. There are lots of other things you can join in with too in our school such as Pupil Council, Clubs, After-school games, trips, and competitions. There is something for everyone no matter what your interests are. All the staff get to know you and are there to support you if you need it."