1st February 2022

Kindergarten Explore the World of Worms

Kindergarten Explore the World of Worms

In Kindergarten, our story focus for this month is Julia Donaldson's Superworm. We've been learning lots about worms with our science teacher, Mr. McClintock, who taught us how to build our own wormeries.

Last week, we learned what is needed to recreate the worm's habitat as best we can - and made sure that our wormeries would feel like home to our new wiggly friends. All throughout the week, we watched them closely to learn more about them and find out what worms do in the soil. We learned about what food they eat, and what kind of environments they like to live in. 

After we learned all we could, we set our worms free in our gardens and loved watching them find their new homes. We will keep an eye out for any worms that decide to come back to visit us!