6th June 2017

Kindergarten Visit Troon

Kindergarten Visit Troon

Delight in Learning

Kindergarten Visit Troon

The children spent a glorious sunny Friday exploring and discovering the Troon Beach while keeping a close eye out for pirates. Mrs Docherty led a walk down the promenade during which the children jumped in puddles, and explored the Troon coastline.

On the beach, the children explored the environment, finding shells and driftwood. The beach and the promenade allowed the children to experience a sense of freedom and independence outdoors while staying within safe boundaries.

The trip helped the Kindergarten to increase their environmental knowledge and their connectedness with nature as they explored the beach and the tide line for shells and sea life. Mr McClintock encouraged the children to look for periwinkles and showed the children crab shells and other creatures. Children worked together as a team to problem solve and were encouraged to ask questions to extend and develop their own personal knowledge and their understanding of science and the world around them.

The whole of Kindy thoroughly enjoyed participating in lots of different kinds of energetic play in the great outdoors and were fabulous ambassadors for St Aloysius’ College.