21st November 2019

Lizzie Daly Visits St Aloysius' College!

Lizzie Daly Visits St Aloysius' College!

Recently, Wildlife biologist, National Geographic and BBC presenter Lizzie Daly was in Scotland for a series of talks hosted by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society.

Last week, she managed to fit in a visit to St Aloysius' College to meet our extremely excited Primary 4 class for a question and answer session about her Wild Ocean Week series.

Lizzie was delighted to talk to the children and our pupils were very intrigued to find out about the many adventures she has been on during her travels around the world!

"I met Lizzie and welcomed her to our school. She said she was so excited to meet us because we are the first primary school she has visited in Scotland! I showed her my poster about dolphins and she said all our posters were amazing!" - Lucie P4C

What a fantastic day for Primary 4!