8th March 2016

Magis Exchange Opens up World of Learning for Aloysians

Magis Exchange Opens up World of Learning for Aloysians

Delight in Learning

St Aloysius’ College has launched an innovative exchange programme to connect Jesuit Schools all over the world, enabling pupils to share unique cultures and mutual love of learning through an exciting series of digital exchanges called The Magis Exchange.

The Magis Exchange project is now underway with digital exchanges launched between St Aloysius’ College and schools from the United States America, Malta and the Cayman Islands, encouraging pupils to lead their own learning and view their education in a global context.

In the Senior School, exchanges will focus on Maths, Music and History and give Aloysians the chance to share their love of learning with like-minded pupils from other parts of the world.

Those taking part in the Maths exchange will meet up during a special lunchtime club to devise maths problems for pupils at Boston High School and Detroit Jesuit School, whilst solving problems they’ve been set in turn, using a special online learning platform to share solutions and feedback.

In History, an exchange with Boston High School and St Aloysius College Malta will see S1 and S2 Aloysians research key issues from the Scottish Wars of Independence and the history of Civil Rights in the USA to debate and present on together.

The Magis Exchange programme was launched recently in the Junior School between Primary 1 pupils from St Aloysius’ College and their counterparts from St Ignatius School, Cayman Islands.

Opening the exchange, and indeed the entire Magis project, the P1 pupils said the Lord’s Prayer in unison over a Skype Video Call, allowing each class to appear in the other classroom on the opposite side of the world via television screens.

It was just 9.15am in the Cayman Islands but already 2.15pm in the United Kingdom, so the Primary 1 pupils from St Aloysius’ College greeted their counterparts by saying “Madainn mhath, Ciamar a tha sibh?”, “Good morning, how are you?” in Gailic.

In a special moment which you can watch below, the boys and girls performed ‘Jesus Love is Very Wonderful’ together, singing and doing the actions in perfect harmony.

Mrs Craig, Head of History at the College, who has taken the lead in organising the Magis Exchange programme was thrilled to see the Primary 1 exchange come together so well and thanked P1 teacher Miss Walls for her help.

“It was wonderful and exciting to see the Primary 1 exchange taking place after months of planning and organisation. Miss Walls, who is leading the Junior School exchange, has been a tour de force. Our students were enthused and prepared for the exchange. The moment of connection was truly magical.”