Delight in Learning
Magis Video Link with Italy
Today, pupils studying Italian at St Aloysius’ College in P7, S1 and S2 took part in a live link-up exchange with pupils of a similar age in Italy.
The Italian school of Albavilla by Lake Como has previously linked up via the Magis Video Screen and exchanged regular “penpal” letters and gifts with us throughout the past couple of years.
On this occasion, pupils took part in a bilingual quiz exploring the cultural heritage of Italy and Scotland.
The pupils all responded with enthusiasm and interest as we have moved from small beginnings into an exciting pupil video and letter exchange. In addition, there has been a strong cross curricular element to the project, including an Italian art competition to create a logo/motto representing the link between the Scottish and the Italian schools, launched by Istituto Albavilla, an Italian mural produced by S4 at St Aloysius and an HWB topic on Healthy food awareness that children have been researching over the year and which they discussed during the videoconference.
Alongside the school in Milan, the pupils have also been involved in other cultural projects, where they have researched the history, art and traditions in Glasgow and Milan. Finally , this will lead to a school exchange for our current P7, who are keen to continue the partnership in the future with the Leone XIII Jesuit school in Milan.
The main benefit of the exchange for the pupils is cultural awareness. Our students’ academic studies are now underpinned by experiencing real examples of life in Italy. It is through seeing actual Italian pupils, and not just reading about them in textbooks, that real understanding develops. This exchange has not only helped improve our students’ social skills, but also their understanding of how to interact with a different culture.
This growth of understanding and development extends to teachers, too and wee have formed some very good working and personal relationships with our colleagues in Italy. We are in touch regularly- whether it be for professional reasons or to share personal news. For those who have been touched by the partnership, it has so far been a rewarding, challenging and enriching experience.
Special thanks should go to all the teachers in Italy and Scotland who helped organise this event and we look forward to similar, extended link-ups in the future!