7th February 2024

Mass of Thanksgiving

Mass of Thanksgiving

The Jesuit Community in Glasgow, the Headteacher of St Aloysius’ College, the Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, the Parish Priest of St Aloysius’ Church, and the Coordinator of the St Aloysius Refugee Language School warmly invite all our friends and colleagues, parishioners, parents, families and young people, our pupils & Old Aloysians to a Mass of Thanksgiving  to celebrate our shared mission and life

6pm, Friday 15th March 2024
St Aloysius’ Church
followed by a reception in St Aloysius’ College Hall

Mrs J McWilliams at CFAdmin@staloysius.org
by Friday 8th March
All welcome!

The Jesuits have been in Glasgow since 1859, serving the Church and the people. We are committed to continuing that service through our Jesuit parish and school, through our Ignatian Spirituality Centre and by working together for the greater glory of God.
Our Priorities and Activities as Jesuit Apostolates and how we live them. Based on the current apostolic preferences of the worldwide Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), the Jesuits in Glasgow have identified five vital areas of apostolic endeavour and activity:

1. Give Spiritual Exercises, retreats, spiritual direction and discernment, and training - at the Ignatian Spirituality Centre and the parish.
2. Serve those on the margins as a concrete expression of our faith - at the St Aloysius’ Refugee Language School.
3. To seek the greater glory of God in our sacramental ministry of liturgy, preaching, and confessions - at St Aloysius’ Parish.
4. Provide support, accompaniment and formation for young people - at St Aloysius’ College and the young adults’ group and St Aloysius’ Parish.
5. Providing courses, talks and formation for adults on matters of Catholic and Christian faith and life - at the Ignatian Spirituality Centre and St Aloysius’ Parish.