26th October 2022

OA in Laudato Si' Feature Film

OA in Laudato Si' Feature Film

OA Dr. Lorna Gold (class of '90) is featured in the newest documentary from the producers of Oscar award-winning My Octopus Teacher - The Letter. The documentary focuses on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si', which calls us all to care for our common home. Showing the diverse voices of many from all over the world, the film aims to highlight the climate emergency and how global warming is having an effect on different communities. 

Dr. Lorna Gold was recently inducted into our OA Hall of Fame for her outstanding commitment to climate activism and her work within the sustainability sector. Chair of the Laudato Si' Movement, Dr. Gold remembered her time at the College fondly, citing her Geography class as the place she first heard about climate change. Her climate journey has led her to amazing places, not least to The Vatican to meet with Pope Francis, as featured in the film.

St Aloysius' College Junior School is a Laudato Si' school, meaning we have a commitment to caring from our common home. Our young people enjoy learning about the environment and getting involved in initiatives to create a greener campus. We hope that we continue to inspire future generations as Dr. Gold was when she was in the Green Blazer.

The film can be watched online here.