22nd November 2023

Primary 7 World War I Showcase Day

Primary 7 World War I Showcase Day

To mark Remembrance Sunday this year, our Primary 7s worked hard to present their World War I showcase to our Aloysian community. Having been learning about the topic since April, our pupils took a deep-dive into what life was like during the war, and all of the casualties it caused. We began work on our showcase event, which was designed to highlight some important lives and aspects of the war that shouldn't be forgotten. Everyone worked exceptionally hard on their presentations - which ranged from 3D models to homemade films. 

We welcomed parents from our community to visit our showcase, as well as sharing with our fellow pupils across the College from 3 - 18. Depute Head Pupils Charlie H. (P7) and Verity N. (P7) commented:

"Our World War One knowledge showcase was hosted by our talented Primary 7s. To mark Remembrance Sunday, my fellow young historians transported everyone back in time to the era of the Great War, shedding light on the sacrifices and bravery that shaped our history.

As we approached Remembrance Weekend, we were excited to showcase our understanding whilst commemorating the events of World War One. Our presentations were designed not only to inform but to evoke a sense of gratitude for those who served.

Thank you to all who joined us on this educational and reflective occasion."