
Religious Life
Whole School
24th April 2017

Reflection: The Second Sunday of Easter

Reflection: The Second Sunday of Easter

Faith and Values 

Reflection: The Second Sunday of Easter

On the evening of Easter Sunday, Jesus appears to the apostles who are hiding in the upper room. His first words to them are words of peace. We hear the story of how Thomas is absent and refuses to believe the others when they tell of Christ’s appearance. A week later he appears to them again and this time Thomas is present. Jesus shows Thomas his hands and side and the holes the nails made. Thomas makes his famous confession of faith, “My Lord and my God”. Thomas is rebuked for his incredulity and forever more has been labelled with the soubriquet “Doubting Thomas”. 

This is a shame as we know he is credited with taking the Gospel to India and is revered there as the patron saint. Like the other apostles, Thomas suffered a martyr’s death for preaching the Resurrection and was successful in spreading the Christian faith.  Yet, the label of the doubter has always been applied to Thomas. He has been unable to shake this off. Do I overlook the achievements of those individuals I encounter in my life or do I apply labels and never allow them to forget past misdemeanours?