5th May 2016

S6 Prepare for Christian Life at University with City Chambers Chaplains Day

S6 Prepare for Christian Life at University with City Chambers Chaplains Day

Faith and Values

St Aloysius’ College teamed up with the Scottish Catholic Education Service to make the College’s 4th Annual University Chaplains Day the biggest and most successful one yet, inviting Chaplaincy teams from nine top Universities and senior pupils four local schools to attend the event in Glasgow's City Chambers.

Held before the S6 pupils left on exam leave, the University Chaplains Day was organised by the College Christian Formation Team to help Aloysians bridge the gap between their final months in the Green Blazer and their first few weeks at University.

Now in its 4th year, the Chaplains Day has proven beneficial for both pupils and University Chaplaincies alike so this year the College partnered with the Scottish Catholic Education Agency to invite along pupils from St Peter the Apostle High School, St Ninian’s High School, Holyrood Secondary and Notre Dame High School.

Senior Aloysians listened to talks in the beautiful setting of Glasgow City Chambers and then sat down with the team from their future University to find out how the Chaplaincies could help them as they settle into their lives in higher education.

Head of Christian Formation at the College, Mr Day, explained the importance of the event for both pupils and chaplains, saying,

“We are aware that having familiarity with the chaplain of your university, and knowing a few friendly faces in advance, can encourage a young person to practice their faith as an independent young adult. The event allows our pupils to get to know more about the chaplaincy, talk to the chaplain, and even register ahead of the next academic year.”

“The chaplains have spoken warmly about the value of the day from their perspective and we were delighted to welcome four other Glasgow schools for what was a very successful day.”

The College would like to extend its sincerest thanks to the Chaplains who attended this year’s University Chaplains Day in Glasgow’s City Chambers.

Fr Ross Campbell, Glasgow University
Deacon Charles Hendry, Dundee and Abertay Universities
Fr Dermot Morrin, Edinburgh University
Fr Jakub Czajka, Aberdeen University
Fr Michael John Galbraith, St Andrews University
Fr Brendan Slevin, Strathclyde University
Fr Dushan Croos SJ, Oxford University
Fr Andrew Kingham, Stirling University
Fr Gerry McNellis, University of West of Scotland

Pictured Below: The Captains of Christian Formation at the College, Caoilfhinn Gilmartin, Sarah Quinn and Lauren Crilley