19th January 2017

Senior Pupils Rise to the Challenge in Mathematics Events

Senior Pupils Rise to the Challenge in Mathematics Events

Personal Excellence

Senior Pupils Rise to the Challenge in Mathematics Events

Senior Mathematics pupils led by example in the first term of 2016 – 17, setting a high standard in the various mathematical challenges between August and December.

Emily Kilgour set the ball rolling in September with a Distinction in the UKMT Mathematical Olympiad for Girls. The competition was set up several years ago to encourage girls in the UK to excel in the subject. Emily scored full marks in two of the four questions marked to earn her distinction – an outstanding achievement.

In November, 25 pupils from S4 to S6 sat the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge. The College excelled in this competition achieving three Gold, two Silver and six Bronze Awards. Emily Kilgour qualified for the next round and went on to receive a Certificate of Participation while Michael Dunn and Alexander Früh qualified for Round One of the British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO1).

Alexander and Michael went on to excel in BMO1.  Michael received full marks in two of the six questions while Alexander received full marks in five of the questions. Alexander received a Distinction, a Silver Medal and a book prize for his achievement. He also qualifies for Round Two of the British Mathematical Olympiad which will take place at the end of this month for which we wish him every success.

Also in November, a team of four pupils (Hannah Berry, Ciara Brennan, Michael Dunn, and Alexander Fruh) took part in the UKMT Senior Team Challenge. This was a first for the College in the West of Scotland heat, achieving Third Place which, in itself was a wonderful achievement.

Dr Kilgour Head of Mathematics said: “Well done to everyone who took part in any of these competitions. All the teachers in the Maths Department are of the opinion that participation in these competitions contributes greatly to pupils’ problem-solving skills. It comes as no surprise that pupils often do better in SQA Maths exams as a result of the experience of tackling more challenging competitions. We would encourage as many pupils as possible to take part in the competitions in future.”