Faith and Values
What is happening for Lent 2018
The liturgical season of Lent is a time of preparation for Easter. It recalls the forty days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert prior to the start of his mission and ministry. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We often think of Lent as a time to give something up, whether that be chocolate or alcohol. While such a practice is noble, it might also be considered a time to DO something. Perhaps it may mean getting to a Gonzaga or Romero lecture, finding out more about a College charity, or even doing some volunteering. It could mean going on a one day retreat or just giving oneself an afternoon away from technology and the many demands of modern living to spend some time in prayer. It could mean visiting that elderly neighbour or spending more time with the family. Perhaps Lent could provide an opportunity to go to 8.30 Mass in the College once a week or to log onto the Sacred Space website for daily prayer.
As the days lengthen and we begin to be aware of the season changing from Winter to Spring, Lent invites us to simplify our lives, do some personal Spring cleaning to become more aware of God’s presence and embrace the message of ultimate hope that is the Resurrection.
What’s happening during Lent?
Live Lent! Be Intentional!
The 8.30 Senior School Mass which is usually celebrated in the Sodality Chapel will move to the Magis Exchange for the season of Lent. Registration classes will be invited to come along each morning. Due to space restrictions a rota will be posted. Could parents/guardians please take note of when their child’s form class is scheduled to attend. Parents and Guardians are warmly invited to join these morning celebrations of the Eucharist. If you are attending, please sign in at Senior School Reception and collect a Chaplaincy Visitor’s badge. The Magis Exchange is adjacent to Reception, off of the Atrium.
Students in the Senior School received a prayer card at assembly on the 9th of February. They are encouraged to keep these with them and read them on a daily basis as a way of praying during Lent. We are currently focusing on the Jesuit Pupil Profile virtues of Intentional and Prophetic.
During the season of Lent the Captains of Christian Formation and volunteers from the S5 Ignatian Spirituality classes will be visiting registration sets to teach all of our young people the Examen of St Ignatius. The prayer which is a corner-stone of Ignatian Spirituality invites us to reflect on our lives in order to become more aware of God’s presence.
Each year group will be continuing support of their designated charities
· S1 – Guide Dogs for the Blind
· S2 - CHAS
· S3 – Glasgow Northeast Foodbank
· S4 – Yorkhill Children’s Hospital
· S5 – St Patrick’s Primary School
· S6 - REFUWEEGEE supporting refugees
We also continue to support the work of Jesuit Missions, the Jesuit Refugee Service and SCIAF
For over 20 years the College has hosted the Gonzaga Lectures. These provide a forum for discussion of contemporary themes in Theology. This year’s series focuses on Reconciliation and will feature Reverand Donald MacEwan, Jan Graffius and Frank Turner. Please see the Gonzaga listing on the College website for more information.
A late but exciting addition to our speakers this year is Raymond Perrier, a former advertising executive, who traded Manhattan for refugee camps and working on behalf of the poor and marginalised. Raymond is currently Director of the Denis Hurley Centre in Durban, South Africa. He will be continuing the theme of Reconciliation by considering the topic, South Africa – a model of reconciliation or a warning? Lessons from the life and legacy of Archbishop Hurley.
The final liturgical event of the Lenten season for the Senior School will be Tenebrae. This service, which takes place during the final days of Holy Week, commemorates the suffering and death of Christ and is marked by the extinguishing of candles. This will take place on Holy Thursday, just before dismissal for the Easter holiday.