25th March 2022

St. Al's and ESOL - Home from Home

St. Al's and ESOL - Home from Home

Many refugees throughout the world may feel left without a voice, or someone to listen to them. Some of our Senior School Drama pupils, in partnership with students from the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Group at the Ogilvie Centre (at which our S6 Caritas pupils regularly volunteer) devised a drama production to directly share the stories of refugees around the world and disperse common myths and stigmas – and give a voice to those who need it.

All of the stories told end up in the same place – Scotland’s very own Glasgow, which for many has become a home away from home. Reflecting on the success of the volunteer programme, our young Aloysians recounted how the ESOL classes have blossomed with each lesson, as more and more people come to learn and find a place where they feel welcomed. Very quickly, everyone finds themselves not amongst students and teachers, but with friends – everyone eager to learn from one another.

With only a few intense rehearsals before the big opening night – the cast and crew wowed the audience with their poignant and emotional work. The script, written by the ESOL Coordinator, Kevin Wyber, was performed beautifully by students from the ESOL class and a selection of our drama pupils – leaving no dry eyes among the spectators. 

We hope that by telling these stories with refugees we can continue to develop our relationships with our brothers and sisters across the globe.

 Mr. McBride, Head of Christian Formation, added: 

"It was a privilege to see our pupils perform such a moving drama piece, and they had worked hard to put it all together under a tight time frame. Through the leadership and determination of Head of Drama, Ms. Singh, our young people have helped raise awareness of the plight of refugees and to celebrate their lives as New Scots. Well done!"

 Watch the full performance here.