4th May 2017

St Als Breaks Fundraising Record to Boost Charity 'Over the Wall'

St Als Breaks Fundraising Record to Boost Charity 'Over the Wall'

Make a Difference

St Als Breaks Fundraising Record to Boost Charity 'Over the Wall'

St Aloysius’ College pupils have shown themselves to be men and women for others, as this week they presented a huge cheque to the local charity Over the Wall. The total raised has beaten, and almost doubled, previous records for schools in Scotland, and will fund two children’s attendance at a recreational camp.

Over the Wall provide free, therapeutic recreational activity camps for children with serious ill health challenges. Over 70 Scottish children aged 8-18 with a range of life limiting illness attend Over the Wall’s annual health challenge camp in Perthshire.

The charity also operates a weekend family camp and siblings camp, supporting families who are coping with the challenges of living with a child or children with a serious illness.

Angela Parker Development Officer for Scotland said: 'Thanks to the fundraising efforts of S4 pupils from St Aloysius College, we are able to support two young people at camp this year.

This is the first school in Scotland to fund two campers and the pupils and staff have really thrown themselves into raising a fantastic £2844.08 for Over the Wall, organising auctions and football matches.

Our camps have been described as transformational and this money will undoubtedly change the lives of two young people, so on their behalf a huge thank you!'

Pupils at the College have organised ingenious fundraising efforts throughout the year, which has contributed to the impressive final total. Back in December, pupils sold Christmas baubles to fellow students and staff, while more recently pupils coordinated the memorable ‘Sponge the Teacher’ event, in which the headmaster and other members of the teaching staff agreed to be sponged by pupils. Other fundraising events included a staff versus pupil football match, a successful charity auction, and a staff coffee morning.

Thanks to all members of the College staff and the pupils who were involved in organising the fundraising activities, and to everyone who donated towards this fantastic total.