
Religious Life
Whole School
24th February 2017

The Gonzaga Series: Revd Dr Laurence A B Whitley

The Gonzaga Series: Revd Dr Laurence A B Whitley

Faith and Values

The Gonzaga Series: Revd Dr Laurence Whitley

The final of this year’s Gonzaga lecture series will be held on Tuesday 28th March. Rounding off this year’s series of enlightening and entertaining lectures, will be Revd Dr Laurence Whitley’s talk entitled ‘Discern to Differ’. The success of this years’ lectures has been down, in part, to the excellent quality of speakers, and we are sure this final talk will not disappoint.

Revd Whitley is the current Minister of Glasgow Cathedral. He grew up in Port Glasgow and Partick, and has been a Scottish parish minister since 1975. As an academic, Revd Whitley graduated Doctor of Philosophy from St Andrews in 1991, and is an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Since completing his PhD, he has published a book A Great Grievance, based on the study completed for his PhD. His talk is set to be educational and informative. 

If you are interested in attending, the event is free, no booking is required, and will be held at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons at 7pm on the 28th March.