27th March 2017

The Power of Imagination!

The Power of Imagination!

Delight in Learning

The Power of Imagination!

Students in the junior school have been showing us the power of their imagination. Last week, P5 joined the kindergarten to write and illustrate original stories. There were dragons and superheroes, princesses and jelly fairies.

It was the task of the kindergarten to come up with story lines for P5. Working in groups, P5 were scribes, putting our youngest St Aloyians’ wild imaginings to paper. Kindergarten then worked hard, and brought the stories to life with drawings and illustrations.

The event was a fantastic exercise in collaborative learning, and both classes seemed delighted to learn with students from other year groups.

The finished stories told classic folk stories. We, however, particularly enjoyed this alternative end to the classic fairytale:

Once upon a time there was a dragon who lived in a cave. He was called Knightny. One day the knight went to a cave to save the princess. The dragon landed on the cave roof. There was a cave beside the castle. Suddenly the knight and the dragon had a fight. And then the knight ran away to hide. The dragon won the fight. Finally the dragon stayed in the castle with the princess.