16th December 2015

Vacancy: College Links with School of Art in Search for Inspiring Artist

Vacancy: College Links with School of Art in Search for Inspiring Artist

Delight in Learning

St Aloysius’ College Art Department is embarking on an innovative partnership with neighboring Glasgow School of Art to offer a current or recently graduated artist, designer or photographer from GSA the opportunity to work within the College and showcase good practice to Aloysian artists - candidates are invited to apply from now, before the closing date of Wednesday 16th of December.

The successful candidate will be set-up with their own workspace within the vibrant Art Department of St Aloysius’ College where they will have access to all of the College’s art facilities and have the opportunity to pursue their own project whilst also working collaboratively to create work with College staff and S2 pupils.

College pupils will benefit from advice on good practice and demonstrations of technique by the successful candidate, and to conclude the project, a special exhibition will be held within the College to showcase the work created by the artist in residency and the S2 pupils throughout.

Mrs Daly, the Head of Art and Design at St Aloysius’ College, is looking forward to the project and said, 

“This is the establishment, for the first time, of an exciting collaboration between the College and the student and Alumni body of Glasgow School of Art.

Pupils in the College will benefit greatly from working with an up-and-coming artist or designer on a project that showcases contemporary practice, ideas and inspirations.

We are all looking forward to this new development for our Art Department and we cannot wait to work with the successful applicant on developing their project with our classes.”

To find out more details about the position and how to apply, please see the information document below.

Artist in Residency Information

St Aloysius’ College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.  The successful candidate is expected to become a member of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme, please find the PVG enquiry form which you must fill out and submit with your application, below.

PVG Enquiry Form

If you would like any further information about the position prior to applying, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Barbara Daly, Head of the Art department, by email BDaly@staloysius.org.

Applications should be sent to Lorraine Mulligan at lmulligan@staloysius.org no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 16th December 2015.