4th February 2016

S1 Celebrate Burns Night in Style

S1 Celebrate Burns Night in Style

Delight in Learning

Raising a glass of Irn-Bru to Scotland’s Bard, the College’s S1 pupils enjoyed an evening of dancing, poetry, bag-pipes, tartan and haggis at the annual St Aloysius’ College S1 Burns Night in the College Hall.

At the College’s S1 Burns Night, pupils took inspiration from Robert Burns himself and prepared and recited their very own versions of traditional Burns Night poetry.

Each S1 class produced and performed an original take on Burns’ poetry, showcasing wit and creativity through their interpretations of Toast to the Lassies, Toast to the Laddies, The Immortal Memory and Toast to the Haggis.

Class 1K delivered a humorous Toast to the Laddies, which begun,

“Dear Laddies

As meek as mice

Is not the term

We’d use to describe you boys.

You’re loud and proud,

Not quiet and nice

And you make a lot of noise...”

Before 1N replied with a slightly more flattering Toast to the Lassies,

“Dear Lassies

In class you wear just grey and green,

For Burns a tartan rainbow seen!

You have new dresses, your hair up tight,

All ready to dance a reel tonight...”

The young Aloysians followed all the traditional aspects of a Burns Supper as talented young pipers, Jack Smith of 1H and James Barton of 1B, piped in the guests and the haggis before offering the accompaniment for Auld Lang Syne.

Burns Night 2

Class 1M performed Ae Fond Kiss and To a Mouse and as the S1 pupils sat down to eat their Scottish themed supper, Class 1H recited their own version of Toast to the Haggis whilst Jessica McGowan and Scarlett Morris read the Selkirk Grace, giving thanks to the Lord for their food.

The hugely successful S1 Burns Night then came to a close with some traditional Scottish dancing before everyone got together to sing Auld Lang Syne.