
Parent Event
21st November 2022

Helping Your Children With Prelims - Parent Coffee Evening

Helping Your Children With Prelims - Parent Coffee Evening

Here at St Aloysius' College we have been helping our S4 pupils prepare for their upcoming prelims, which commence on Wednesday 23rd November. We recognise that this can be a challenging time for pupils and we will do all we can to reassure them and equip them with all the revision materials they require. In addition, we understand that it can also be a stressful time for parents and carers in helping their children through their examinations.

The Leadership Team would like to invite all of our S4 parents and careres to a drop-in session at 4-5pm on Monday 21st November in the Sports Café in the Sports Building. This will be an opportunity to hear from Mr. Fitzpatrick, Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning), about some last-minute dos and don’ts to help your children through the prelim diet and to hear from Mr. Ferrie, Assistant Head (Pastoral), about advice on how to support your children's wellbeing over the next few weeks.

There is no need to register for this event. If you feel this would be beneficial to you, please come along. Parking will be available on the Junior School pitch and please make your way straight to the Sports Building where you will be welcomed.